Anna Maria Sheehan » When To Stay Home

When To Stay Home

The following are the Bordentown Regional School District 2022-2023 guidelines for COVID-19:


  • Home tests may be used for COVID-19 test results
  • If a COVID-19 test is indicated due to presenting symptoms, the District will allow an over the counter/at home COVID-19 test, with a photographic upload of the result or print out of the result with the student’s name clearly present.  If an at-home antigen test is used - whether positive or negative results -  an attestation by the student’s parent/guardian that the test was performed, must be provided.  The form required from the student’s parent/guardian that will be used to collect this information can be found at this link:


  • If your child tests positive for COVID, please keep your child home and notify the health office IMMEDIATELY.


  • If your child is experiencing COVID-19 compatible symptoms, you MUST keep your child(ren) home and notify the health office. ** See list below **

  • We are no longer quarantining for close contacts or for positive household members.  Students my still attend school as long as they remain asymptomatic            


  • Face coverings continue to be optional and not mandatory while in school buildings.  However, if your child tests positive for COVID-19, he/she must wear a face covering to school for days 6-10 **See below**


** COVID-19 compatible symptoms** 

  • Experiencing TWO or more of the following symptoms: Fever > 100 degrees, chills/shivers, muscle/body aches, Headache, sore throat, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, congestion or runny nose OR
  • Experiencing ONE of the following symptoms: Cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, new loss of taste or smell.  

Return to School Protocol:

As per the BRSD guidelines, if your student TESTS POSITIVE

  1. They will be required to isolate for 5 days from either the date of symptoms or test date
  2. If they have symptoms, then first day of symptoms counts as day "0", next day starts day "1"
  3. If no symptoms and test positive, test date counts as day "0", next day starts day "1"
  4. For days 6-10, the student is required to wear a mask 

As per the BRSD guidelines, if your student TESTS NEGATIVE:

  1. Please provide the nurse with a copy of the negative results either via the attestation form or doctor's note
  2. Student may return the next day as long as they are fever free for 24 hours without the use of medication and their symptoms have improved.

*Please contact the nurse with any questions about when your child can return to school after an illness.*

FEVER:  Temperature of 100 degrees or greater.  Student may return if fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication.

VOMITING/DIARRHEA:  May return to school if none for 24 hours and fever free for 24 hours.

STREP THROAT:  Must be on antibiotics for 24 hours before returning to school and fever free for 24 hours.

PINK EYE/CONJUNCTIVITIS: Must be on antibiotic eye drops for 24 hours.  Need a note from a doctor to return to school. Symptoms should be improving after 24 hours of eye drops

RASH (UNDIAGNOSED OR IMPETIGO): Must have a note from a doctor stating diagnosis and treatment.

RINGWORM:  Must have a doctor’s note indicating treatment.

HEAD LICE:  May return to school after treatment and nit removal by parent/guardian.
Contact Information: 
Laura Mathews, RN
609-298-0676 ext 3109