Monthly Classroom News

September will fly by quickly, but the second graders in Mr. Mitchell's class are ready to take advantage of every learning opportunity afforded them.  Albeit, those opportunities will occur virtually.  

       The students will celebrate their diversity by participating in getting-to-know-you activities.  The boys and girls are going to study ways they are alike and ways they are all special. The main focus during the first few weeks of school will be on teamwork, cooperation, friendship and respect of self and others through community building activities.

The students will also celebrate Constitution Day by learning about how the rules of our country came to be on September 18th.  The next day, the crew of Room 216 will set sail with Captain Greybeard Mitchell for a day of piratey fun on "Talk Like a Pirate Day" on September 19th.  Please check out the Photo Album page view lots of great pirate day pictures from years past. 

Finally, the students will jump into Unit 1 of Every Day Math, which is filled with review lessons to get the students prepared for learning about and understanding newer math concepts in the months to come.  September is sure to be a great time to turn over a “new leaf” and set goals for an exceptional year!