Bucket Fillers
In conjunction with the Unity Program at CBS, we also have the Bucket Fillers program. We take great pleasure in recognizing those students who are positive and peaceful members of their classroom and total school environment. While we have many students who are outstanding school citizens and productive members of our school, this program highlights those students who go beyond that which is expected of a student in daily classroom and school interactions.
The Bucket Fillers program is based on the book Have You Filled a Bucket Today? by Carol McCloud. The concept of the book is that we all carry an invisible bucket that holds our good thoughts and good feelings about ourselves. The bucket represents a person’s mental and emotional health or self-concept. When our bucket is full we’re happy and when our bucket is empty we’re sad. All day long we are either filling or dipping into other people’s buckets through our words and actions.
The bucket filling program has six main goals which are as follows:
- to teach children how to reach out and express love, respect and appreciation to others;
- to help them become “other centered” rather than “self-centered”;
- to help them express their feelings in a healthy manner;
- to help them understand where feelings originate;
- to establish a framework for more constructive words and actions and less bullying;
- to create more positive home and school environments.
Many children have empty buckets when they walk through our doors through no fault of their own. Any time our buckets are empty or dipped into, there is an automatic reflex to dip and take it out on others or ourselves. That’s why it is so important that we keep everyone’s bucket full. As a result of this program we hope to make CBS students more aware of their words and actions and their effect on others.
Students that are caught being bucket fillers will have a bead added to their grade "bucket". At the end of they year whichever grade has the most beads will earn a special reward!