Welcome to the CBS Parent-Teacher Organization!!
Our Mission Statement
We are a community of parents, teachers, neighbors, relatives, and friends who meet to generate ideas, build community, and provide support that enriches the educational social experiences of our children.
PTO Objectives
- to establish and maintain the relationship between families, school, and community
- to enhance the quality of education by raising funds for school supplies or programs that fall outside the school budget
- to encourage parents’ involvement in their children’s lives, education, class, and school.
What does the PTO do?
The PTO provides events and programs throughout the year for the students of Clara Barton School and their families. We sponsor the Boo Bash, Santa Breakfast, Sweetheart Dance, Field Day and various other activities.
- The PTO coordinates room parents for all classes, produces the yearbook for the school, facilitates the book fairs held twice a year as well as many other things!
- The PTO raises funds for playground improvements and facilitates discussion surrounding the best interest of its use for our children and the community.
We look forward to working with you to make this year great!
The PTO needs you! An organization is only as strong as its members!
PTO meetings are held approximately every third Thursday at 7pm in the CBS or MIS library. Please check the calendar to see if it needed to be moved due to an event in the school. Childcare is provided during that time for you!
The 2023/2024 Executive Board
President- Janice Nosek
Vice President- Jen Brokaw
Treasurer- Kristen Kanickij
By-Laws and Procedures Officer- April Seay
Recording Secretary- Nicole Siegel
Corresponding Secretary- Vacant
Interschool Liaison Officer- Rachael Graham
Program Coordinator- Martha Atkinson
Program Coordinator- Kim Bentman
Auction Chair - Brieanne Fasanella
Please email the Board anytime: [email protected]
Please join our Facebook Page for all the up to date information about the CBS PTO, especially all of our upcoming events!